Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Panoramic Taal Lake


 Tagaytay is one of the destinations that a lot of tourists go to. This place gets swarmed with people especially during summer because of its cool breeze. This is also the place where people can get a great view of the renowned Taal Lake and Volcano. I was lucky enough to be able to go there last year with some of my friends. It was actually unplanned. Some new-found friends from church invited us to go there. Luckily, I brought my camera that time, so I was able to take some great photos.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A View of the Sky


Travelling by air for the first time is an unforgettable experience. The first time I travelled on an airplane, I made sure to take some pictures of the view out my window. Luckily, I was assigned the window seat so, I was able to take a few shots with my Kodak camera.

The clouds looked different from my window. You can really see the their shape and almost feel their texture. However, the cloud formations during my trip weren't that spectacular. There are days when the clouds really look fluffy and beautiful.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Introducing my Travel Blog!


I think everybody has that desire and yearning to travel, to see different place, and to experience different cultures. You don't have to go across the seas to see beautiful and breathtaking sceneries. Sometimes, wonders are just beyond your door if you choose to go through it.

Traveling and seeing new places is so much fun, as what I've discovered recently.;) When I think about it, I've literally been to the three major islands of the Philippines! And I think that counts for something. I'm creating this blog to share the experiences and sceneries of the places I've been to and will go to in the future; hence the title Wanderlust.

Have fun!